Life and the art of elbow licking, Uncategorized

When your printer gets creepy.

Oh technology. There is nothing more evil than when your cell phone decides to freeze on you just when certain conversations start to get good... You can only curse at the nonexistent evil laughter echoing in the battery when it freezes and you have no choice but to break your finger on the power button.… Continue reading When your printer gets creepy.

Me, me, me, me and more Me. Deal with it., Uncategorized

Things that fascinate me or in your case: pure nonsense.

When you live life like I do, people tend to scream and run in horror. Don't know why really, maybe it's Katherine? Have you met Katherine? No? Oh you're going to love him... Katherine. Katherine is a ghost. If the universe had truly loved me, Katherine would have been a polka dot chicken made of… Continue reading Things that fascinate me or in your case: pure nonsense.